Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Announcement: Upcoming Group Events 【公告:本學期其他共同活動】

Dear all,

After collecting everyone's available times for events 2 and 3, we realized that it's impossible to find a single time in which everyone (or even 70% of you) is available. Hence, we've decided to make some changes to future events.

Instead of hosting two different events, we've decided to host one event twice. The first time will be on May 21, 2009 (12:00-13:30) and the second time will be on July 16, 2009 (12:00-13:30). The event on these two dates will be essentially the same, with only minor adjustments. Hence, together with your partner(s), please decide which day you and your partner(s) will attend TOGETHER. Note: You only have to choose one day to attend.

Since the event will be hosted at noon, OIC will provide some food. To know how much food to prepare, we need you to tell us which event you and your partner will attend before Friday, April 17, 2009 by sending an email to If you absolutely cannot attend either event, please let us (Julie or Ivy) know.

Thank you!

Julie and Ivy

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